My magic castle

My magic castle

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Magic of Facing Up

The first rule of stress management is to come in out of the storm.  When we are near a state of panic we need to first, find a moment of calm.  Until we are able to think a bit clearly we can't do anything to change the situation.  But once we have put the negative thoughts, the worries and anxieties on a shelf or in a box it is amazingly easy to keep them there.  That is when the 'nagger' is a wonderful friend, whether we admit it or not. I have not been very active with my creative writing lately.  I have been more focused on survival and self-help writing.  But I have been feeling that I needed to confront that.  This morning during the "magical first hour"(the way I refer to the time when I am waking up but also aware of the creativity I want to focus on for the day) I did face up to how much I need to get back to my creative writing.  Then I had a couple of ideas about ways I can create time and space in my office or dining room to facilitate that desired writing.  The decision to allow myself to write the fun stuff seemed to give me a magical boost in many ways.  I had more energy for the functional writing and for other life tasks.  I realized this extra energy, this bit of magic had come when I had stopped and confronted the bit of dis-ease I had been feeling from 'ignoring the song my soul wanted to sing'.
So I suggest to all wise magicians that you too, may find a bit of extra life energy by confronting little stressors in your life.  When you face up, you are given the way to solve the problem.  Whether it be in your creative life, becoming more productive in other ways, or in relationships, if you face up to the need for change you will be given the way to make things better for yourself.  Reach out to the magic that surrounds you for help and face up to something.  It will work magic in your life.  May the spark be with you.

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