My magic castle

My magic castle

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Magic Of Faith

Faith that things will work out as wanted is essential to the wise magician. You must first become clear about your desire or will. Then you take action to cause the results you want. If you lack faith you will fail to follow through or you will get in the way of the success you have coming by over-correcting or changing your mind too often. Often a feeling of insecurity or unworthiness will interfere with having the necessary faith to work towards a goal, or to wait for the results that are trying to come to you. At times like that you may have to experiment with your attitudes. Perhaps you can say "even though I may not deserve these good results, I do believe in magic and I will wait to see what happens. If I have been thorough in my attempts to cause good results and have had nothing come to me, I am free to try something else." You have to do what you can to keep those sabotaging fears out of the way. If you can't have faith in yourself, try having faith in magic. It surrounds you and you have seen flashes of it in your life from time to time. Have faith that you can bring about what you want one more time at least. A component of faith is the willingness to let the needed time pass that it will take for your desires to manifest. Patience and faith go hand in hand. Because we have the capacity to be happy it must mean that we are meant to have happiness. So call the good life to you. Become clear about what you want, believe that you can cause it, take action then have faith. May the spark be with you.

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