My magic castle

My magic castle

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


A powerful part of any spell is the invocation, or calling forth. That takes you from half-formed wish to sureness of result. Whether it is a physical healing that is needed or a change in life circumstances you must call forth the desired result. You must do it so strongly that your inner self and all the universe feels the urge for such to happen. In the book "The Goddess In Every Woman" by Jean Sinoda Bolin, woman are taught how to invoke aspects of different goddesses that are within themselves. Perhaps they need the wisdom of Athena. Then they call that forth. People who participate in running marathons learn how to call forth that extra bit of endurance they need to finish the race. If we learn well the uses of the tools of magic we will find that we are invoking many things we would have ignored previously. New ideas, knowledge, opportunities, friendships and chances to grow and learn will come to us constantly. Recognize your wishes. Choose which ones are worthy of pursuit. Then call forth their fulfillment. As Captain Picard, of the Starship Enterprise, says, "Make it so." You can also call forth favorable responses or behaviors from other people. As they say, in sales, 'You don't ask you don't get'. So call forth that which you need and deserve, remembering that magic is well formed. For it to work right the aim must be worthy. Tales abound of wishes gone wrong, as in the story of King Midas. But if you are tune with the energy of magic that is around you will be able to invoke good things for yourself. May the spark be with you.

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