My magic castle

My magic castle

Thursday, April 14, 2011

When Magic Seems Fleeting

At times the magic we create or experience seems to leave us too quickly. Or a brilliant solution to a problems fades away before we really can grasp it. It is important at these times to not tighten up. Don't lose faith that magic is always there. Most of the time the desired idea will come back to you if you will become very calm and simply wait for it. If it doesn't come in due time, call up another idea. The energy of magic is always there to be tapped into. If one thing doesn't work, something else will. Perhaps the first idea was not what you really needed. There are some strategies used in brain storming sessions in business that you can use. Try turning the problem or current idea around or over or upside down. Try linking two very different products or ideas together. Try looking at the opposite of the idea. Try supposing that the idea you liked is really a bad idea and that if you use it there will be dire results. The more you free up your mind to play, the more you will achieve magical results. Magic may be fleeting at times. But it is also a constant in life. Play with it. Enjoy it. Let it help you. May the spark be with you.

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