My magic castle

My magic castle

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Magic of Asking

If we let ourselves get mired down in working too hard at our goals we may develop a certain tunnel vision.  We may begin to think that the burden of our accomplishments is totally on our shoulders.  Don't fall into this trap.  Participation is the field around us is vital for magic to work.  The other day I needed some 3 x 5 index cards.  I didn't want to drive to the store just for that item.  I asked several other people if they were near such an item if they would pick it up for me.  When I asked my daughter, the one in the household who most magnifies my magic, if she could get me some cards she actually had some used ones right at hand.  Used were fine for my purpose. Asking can be done in many ways.  Don't be afraid to do so.  The Universe and other people want you to have what you want and need.  Ask yourself, ask others, ask the Universe.  It will be given.  They say that at times what you will receive is a refusal.  I say that you may be given a better idea or alternative gift.  Hear me, all you wise magicians, do not be a hermit.  Do not lock yourself away from abundance.  Be present in this magical world.  Ask for what you want.  If you don't get it immediately rethink.  If you still want it, ask again.  Work for it.  Create it.  Ask for it.  May the spark be with you.

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