My magic castle

My magic castle

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Recent Proof of Magic

Yesterday I found myself telling small stories from my life that involved coincidence a couple of times. They just seemed to come up in conversation and seemed good for a laugh or a bit of sharing among friends. But my awareness of the idea of coincidence caused me to notice an item by Depak Chopra about coincidence in an e-newsletter to which I subscribe. I was about to read it when it seemed more important to call a young girl I've known all her life and is very important to me. We hadn't been very much in touch lately and I wanted to make sure I talked with her about doing something for her birthday. When she answered the phone she was crying. She had had a problem at work and was brokenhearted about it. I was able to comfort her and share her tears until her father arrived to take her home. Then I wiped my eyes and went back to my reading. Dr. Chopra said that coincidences seem to be messages from the higher aspect of life to help us become more aware of our purpose in life. I often refer to the field of magic as a special goodness in life that is outside of ourselves. I felt that the field of magic had touched me in being able to give love to this girl. It seems that lately I am constantly having contact with women younger than myself at times when I can help them be stronger in themselves. Of course at this time the depth of my love for this girl caused me to think about the article more than I might have otherwise. The coincidence of the article appearing at the time of my phone call did seem to give me a deeper understanding of what I am passionate about. I hope that you will also have a happy coincidence in your life that will help you be aware of a deeper, more profound existence that awaits you. May the spark be with you.

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