My magic castle

My magic castle

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back Up To Mastery

As we progress along the way towards our best life we will occasionally get a little ahead of ourselves. We will be progressing but we won't feel secure about it. Perhaps we have moved too fast or perhaps our support system has weakened. Whatever the reason, when things aren't clicking just back up to the safety zone. Get secure then go forward once again. Sometimes what we are trying to learn is how to feel happy and be productive. When you aren't where you want to be do not beat up on yourself for that. If you don't feel happiness then remember happiness. If you are not productive count all the things you did do that day, including getting out of bed and having breakfast. Those are important accomplishments. We do not go forward on a regular smooth schedule. Plateaus are necessary so we can internalize what we have learned or mastered. Mistakes teach us what we have not yet thoroughly mastered. Then go back to mastery and learn how to do what you didn't know when you made those mistakes.
Do what you can not to go backward. If you let yourself get angry at yourself for your seeming lack of progress you may end up going backward. Itemization of your progress can be helpful. Sometimes I encourage myself to keep on trying by making a done list, that is listing the things I have done. That gives me a little energy to keep on going. The safety zone is not escapism. Taking a break is okay, even necessary. But learn to know where the level of safety is so you can go past it when ready or go back to it when needed. Pianists warm up with scales and well mastered pieces of music. The warm up without pressure is also important in sports. When I am trying to master something new in my writing I sometimes have to go back and read something I have written that I felt good about. The magic that surrounds you will help you find that feeling of smoothness and confidence that comes from mastery. Use the energy of that feeling to move forwards to your good life. May the spark be with you.

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