My magic castle

My magic castle

Friday, August 5, 2011

Get Up, Get Dressed, Put On Your Magic

The way you prepare to meet the day matters. Don't go out into the world bare and all alone. Give yourself a sense of purpose, flair and success. Stop to reach out for the extra zing that is magic before you face the world each day. Pause to amp up your self confidence, your sense of self and your sense of wonder and adventure. If you meet the day wearing your magic, more than likely untold wonderful things will happen Give it a chance. Opportunities that at first may seem like irritants will arise. Your magic will help you see ways to turn these irritations into creative endeavors or even businesses. Your magic will help you interact with people in more fulfilling ways. Add magic to your life daily. It won't hurt and will make life much more enjoyable. A rude clerk is an opportunity for you to offer your services as a consultant in customer relations to that business. Getting caught in the rain is a chance to enjoy life in many ways and devise ways to creatively deal with the problems the rain, or your forgetfulness about an umbrella, caused. Look for joy, color, laughter, things that are well formed throughout your day. If you start the day wearing your magic theses things will more easily manifest to you. May the spark be with you.

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