My magic castle

My magic castle

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Magical Phrase

There are many magical phrases. They all can cast a spell over us and help us become more than we were before they were uttered. One that I think is particularly appropriate now that we are coming into the beginning of a new year is: "What if...?" Relax in whatever manner is good for you. Breathe in deeply. Breathe out in a wondrous freeing way. Now begin to explore the ideas of 'what if'. What if situations that have been irritating you could be changed? What if you have more resources inside yourself than you have yet realized? What if you are surprised in wonderful ways tomorrow or this coming week? What if you are meant to understand something more fully than you have before? What if your sense of beauty, humor, joy, contentment kicks in more often than it used to? What if you suddenly come to appreciate family and friends on a deeper level? What if you are a wiser magician than you realized before? What if there are unlimited possibilities for change for the better? As you explore the ideas of 'what if' it is good to let any visualization come that wants to come to you. Let your senses help you enjoy the idea of 'what if..?' Let your sense of wonder help you explore the idea of 'what if..?' This phrase can become one of your magic wands. When you get into the right mind set it can open up your creativity for many wonderful ideas. So enjoy the idea of possibilities it opens up and enjoy the practical way it can help you decide what changes you need to make in your magical life. May the spark be with you.

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