My magic castle

My magic castle

Friday, February 4, 2011

Magic And Numbers

Many times fortune cookies or horoscopes will list your lucky numbers. In many ways numbers have been linked to magic. Rather than think that certain numbers have power I think the wise magician must look for the magic in the concept of numbers themselves. Numbers arose as a way of keeping track. Keeping track is the very basis of responsibility. There is nothing more magical than being responsible. If a person can't be trusted he is useless, or even dangerous. In my experience as a teacher children who had little concept of their body image also had a lot of trouble learning math. Some of these same children also found it hard to maintain self control with bathroom habits. I am not saying that intuition and numbers can never mix. Once or twice I bought lottery tickets on a hunch and they paid off. But more times than that I lost my money. Shallow magic is for passing time or entertainment. Deep magic is for making life better. Keeping track and being responsible are major factors in the good life. Even fighting fears can be done by keeping track. Fears are often blown up and exaggerated. A realistic record of how often the house blows away when you drop a knife, or some such trigger, will put you in a better spot about controlling your life. They say it is all a numbers game. To some extent it is. Keep track of what works and why, as well as what doesn't work. Then make responsible choices. Your life will seem a lot more magical. May the spark be with you.

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