My magic castle

My magic castle

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Magic Zing

At times all the magic you need is a zing of joy or comfort. Just a bit of a mood change can give you the energy you need to finish a project or make a needed change. The wise magician will have a collection of ways to achieve that zing. Let me make some suggestions of my own. Tactile pleasure is good. All the places I sleep or nap have a cozy something there, either a silky stuffed gorilla or a fleece. I don't have a pet right now but I have things I can stroke. Color is a marvelous source of zing. If your mood is down you may be running "negative tapes" going on in self talk about your troubles. Switch channels by looking up towards something colorful. Try re-inventing the wheel. If a different way of doing something is new to you it will give you a lift. Even if your way isn't the best way, the fact that you invented it or developed it is a bit of magic. Other people can give you a zing. You don't have to be on stage. Just sitting by a friend can add joy to life. Look for contrast. Look for patterns. Experiment with humor. The possibilities are myriad. Breathing deeply and evenly can be soothing and energizing. You don't have to turn to substance to change your mood. There is a field of magic energy that surrounds you and supports you. Reach out to it. Reaching within to your inner resources is also a way of reaching out to the field of magic. Find ways to zing your life into a better place. May the spark be with you.

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