My magic castle

My magic castle

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Magic Of Grey

Before we are wise magicians we are children. We want power and instant wish gratification. We would like our wands to meet our every whim. Unfortunately we vacillate between love and hate, between black and white, between supreme good and darkest evil. If our parents thwart us we can hardly stand to call them our parents. We take every set back personally. It is only when we learn the wise use of magic that we come to see the beauty in different shades and hues, that we can suspend judgment about the intention of actions. Because we have learned to accept and thus love ourselves we are not threatened by others foibles and oversights so much. So the magic wand in this case must be self love. How to develop that? I believe it is through self acceptance and self knowledge. "To know us is to love us." So do some introspection, non-judgmental. Just say that you accept yourself. Say it often and long. What may come up at first is an awareness of what you see as flaws. Praise yourself for accepting that awareness. Then go deeper and accept your glories, your values, your dreams. By coming out of the chaos of "the world of shoulds" you can appreciate fun, glory, connection, an ability to contribute to the world, and greater happiness. Soft, rich, lovely grey can be beautiful. As can shades of blue, green and so forth. Enjoy the colors of your magical world. May the spark be with you.

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