My magic castle

My magic castle

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Magical Function of "Not Nice"

There are certain traits or behaviors in life that can have a magical function.  That is, these ways of doing things will create a nimbus of benefit for you.  Previously I wrote about the magical function of doing music.  I have been noticing that refusing to accept the status quo, or daring to speak up, of daring to notice that there is a gorilla in the room can have a magical function in personal and national life. Being aware and letting it be known could very well cause a wise magician to be told that they are not very nice.  Ahhh. Being nice has caused or allowed a lot of evil and victimization throughout history.  If you are interested in developing the magical skills of being feisty I do have some suggestions.  Bottling things up until you erupt into one big bit of nasty doesn't work well.  Unfunny name calling doesn't work well.  Ignoring the fear behind the evil can also be a mistake.  Ignoring your own fears and insecurities is also a mistake.  So how can you magically seek to shout out truth?  Peek-a-boo is okay. Dash in, dash out.  Nibble away at the awareness.  Think about, in bits and pieces about what is bothering you.  If someone is being 'stupid' perhaps you would do well to think about why you are noticing that.  A person called me for advice but labelled themselves as an alcoholic who had no intention of changing.  I thought about why I felt an urge to understand their world and decided that I had a gorilla of my own, a change I desperately needed to make that I was resisting. Now I am no longer resisting, or making as many excuses, at least, putting a lot more walking into my life. Even excusing a problem can be 'making nice'.  Our brains are our best magical wand ever.  Analyze.  Plan.  Speak up.  Bring about wonderful, good, magical changes.  Don't be nice.  Be effective.  May the spark be with you.

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