My magic castle

My magic castle

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Magic Of The Guide Line

During pioneer times it was necessary for farmers on the great plains to have a rope strung between their house and the barn in the winter. The line was to hold on to so they could get from one building to another during blizzards. Using this idea of a guide line you can help yourself get through blizzards of stress or distractions. If you have something to which you are truly committed you can set up certain physical activities that express this commitment. Such as the writer sitting down and writing a certain amount every day. Or a mother making sure the lunches are packed for the children she is sending off to school. You may have to be more creative to find positive actions to express NOT doing something, such as not taking a drink, or not eating all the desserts in the refrigerator. For this you may have to set up actions to do when you find yourself slipping into the aura that comes up before the addictive behavior is engaged in. Exercise can be a marvelous guideline. The rope is there and you have to hang on to it or get lost in the blizzard. Which can be very dangerous. I believe each magician can find his own guideline as a tool. Things I might suggest are calling friends, doing some activity related to the goal, exercise, journaling, engaging in a creative activity or anything that helps you focus on the goal you need to reach. Perhaps you can think of other ways that will work for you. But the commitment is crucial. The goal is important to you and others. Accept that life is full of stress and distractions. Accept that there are times that all you can do is hold on to the guideline and inch forward bit by bit until you are out of the cold. Then reach out to the magic that surrounds you for the energy to develop your own personal guideline. May the spark be with you.

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