My magic castle

My magic castle

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Magic of Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a word from the African language Xhosa which means sharing, community, generosity. Without generosity we would all be in a bleak and barren place. I started a new blog today, Delbert's Gossip, and I couldn't have done it without the generous sharing of creative knowledge and work from several sources. I suggest that you reinforce your appreciation of the magic that is around you by noticing how the flowers share their beauty with you, a garden shares it's produce, a baby shares it's smile. Now jump into that stream of sharing in whatever way you can. Give a smile. Answer requests for help. Share your creative work. Share your hope for the future.
Part of sharing is acceptance of abundance. Remember that abundance is where you find it. In third world countries people are now being taught how to take old tires and plastic bottles and make them components of new housing. This is because someone had an idea and shared it. They didn't focus on lack. They focused on a belief in possibility. Suddenly the material for housing was there. Be a wise magician and believe in possibility. May the spark be with you.

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