My magic castle

My magic castle

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Closed Loop

Sometimes it might hit you that you are caught in a closed loop, that no matter what you do you are not getting where you want to go, or deserve to be. That "hit of awareness" is the spark of magic energy you need to start to get out of your negative situation. Like the beak of a dragon that some fantasy writers describe...(it has a sharp bit on the end to break out of the hard shell) is needed in order for you to experiment and persist until you break free. Magic, as small bursts of energy that you can draw upon, will help you do just that. Life does not have to be an endless upward progression. Cycles are good and let you visit beauty and goodness in new ways. But boxes, smothering situations, closed loops, are anti-life. So be thankful for that zing of dissatisfaction and use it. If you have ever built a fire you know to breathe on the spark of flame until it gets bigger. Use that idea to build your own flame to light your way out of hopelessness or helplessness. Magic tools you can use are: your ability to learn, your sense of dissatisfaction, information that abounds, other people are often willing to help, your ability to persist, your ability to judge what works and what doesn't. If life isn't working for you in some way or another, do not lose faith, but know that the very fact that you are dissatisfied is a step up from being unaware. It is a start. Reach out now in many, many small ways to make a change. May the spark be with you.

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