My magic castle

My magic castle

Monday, June 7, 2010

Magic Of Dialogue

Words are meant to be heard, or read. They are meant for a dialogue. Even as we think them or speak them we are engaging in an inner dialogue with ourselves. Neither people or words are meant to exist in a vacuum. But it is a miracle when communication is clear and exchange of ideas really does take place between two people. I had an acquaintance once who would be clearly in the throes of anger but would be saying fairly calm words. If the listener mentioned that he seemed to be angry and could that be resolved, the answer would be, "Listen to my words, not my face." He was able to be controlled enough that he could choose words he hoped would steer the conversation where he thought it should go. Other times I have known people who seemed unable to enter into any give and take either, were extremely emotional about it as well, but would go on for multiple sentences trying to find some point, somehow, somewhere. In none of those cases was it likely that an actual conversation was going to take place. The key point here is that THE FIRST EXCHANGE IS NOT THE FULL EXCHANGE. It takes listening, exchange of message, more listening, clarification as to what was heard, reshaping of message and ideas in order to have dialogue. It is a great life skill. One that can always be improved upon. Reach out for the energy of the spark of magic that abounds around you and try to engage in dialogue with others. It will enrich your life. May the spark be with you.

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