My magic castle

My magic castle

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It is widely known that the mind plays a role in physical health. But sometimes it is hard to know exactly what thoughts to think in order to gain that health. I suggest that you do not look for any one thought or way of thinking. Let your inner dialogue grow and develop on all the aspects of the high level wellness you want to achieve. The right brain or the inner self is wise. Let yourself relax and ask your inner self to take you on a journey towards greater health. Let it be open ended. Use as much sensory imagery as you can. Visualize, imagine hearing positive sounds, imagine feeling soothing movements. I had been hunting for improved mobility. When I relaxed about it I found that I was able to change the way I stood and walked in a way that was more aerobic, more balanced and felt better. As I practice this new way of walking I am feeling better about myself and feel that it is possible I will find other ways to improve my health. I didn't gain this insight logically as much as my body showed it to me while I was trying to be more open to a flow in my walking. I didn't demand as much as I asked with faith that the answer would come to me. If you have ways you would like to change your lifestyle or improve your health reach out for that spark of energy that is a spark of magic to overcome the inertia that is holding you back. You deserve wellness. Let it come to you.

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